Tita-Finds in Quarantine
Often times, I am called the "Tita" of a friend group because I have the tendency to buy stuff I'd want to give out as gifts. Other than that, what often makes me feel like a tita are items that don't usually spark interest to people my age. Here are some of it:
Considering that the virus is out there ready to attack you once you step outside, I decided to purchase tons of this spray bottles and gave them to each on of my family members.
Since my sister couldn't sleep without the AC on and I couldn't sleep unless it's off, I bought this wool socks to warm up my feet which actually helped me sleep better at night.
Okay, don't judge me, but I really don't know how to use mouse pads in laptops. It really stresses me out. I don't know how to use computers and laptops as well. I'm starting to think that I am a boomer tita lol. But here's a reliable mouse my aunt recommended to me!
We had a trash bin before which I accidentally threw out as well. My bad. But I found this trash can that sparked me so much joy! I bought it under impulse because of the four hundred peso discount. :')
My sister and my friend both had birthdays this August and I do find them quite a like so I ended up buying them each one of these beautiful notebooks! They are refillable, the leather's print is nice, the and the leaf pendant is majestic!
The most tita purchase I've had :( Really though, why did I buy this?
Our AC doesn't come with a remote so here's Xiaomi Smart Plug which controls the AC through our phones. It also has a schedule option and a timer. PS, not sponsored!
More Tita-Finds when I get rich!
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